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With regard to political and civil freedoms, Ukraine is 2. Citizens in Ukraine experience partial freedom. While the majority of citizens are able to exercise their free will to a certain extent in Ukraine, some political engagement may be limited and certain population groups may be excluded from certain freedoms or expressions. The businesses of Ukraine are 5 in terms of economic liberty. Citizens in Ukraine are considered not free with regards to their economic decisions. The government prohibits all economic activities by citizens, and some illegal business activities could be punishable by imprisonment or even death. Investors should avoid countries that are not free economically, as the risks do not justify any potential gain. In terms of journalistic freedom, the media of Ukraine is in a 4. In Ukraine, journalists face a very serious situation. Censorship dominates all publications and the government controls the majority of media outlets. Journalists that express opinions against the government may be punished with fines, imprisonment, or death.
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